
Leak detection solutions for semiconductor components/seals

Program overview
It is used for leak detection of electronic components/seals. The solution consists of a pressure helium tank, a leak detection tank and a helium mass spectrometer leak detector.
Scheme composition
The solution is composed of a pressure helium tank, a leak detection tank and a helium mass spectrometer leak detector. The electronic components or seals are placed into the pressure helium tank, the helium gas of the specified concentration and pre
Scheme features
1. The unique gas circuit design improves the pumping speed of helium, shortens the background time of helium cleaning and effectively prevents helium pollution;
2. The minimum detectable leak rate is low, the sensitivity is high and the detection range can be up to Level 12;
3. Intelligent fault indication and alarm functions.
Industry application
Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
The 38th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group
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